We Don't Gloat; We Drain!

At Series Plumbing & Boiler Repair, we respond to distress calls the moment they come across. Know what that makes us? Arguably the only plumber you may depend on wholeheartedly throughout the county — as various households will testify. How do we do this? Only by working with the finest and most committed men in the field! It gets even better. This plumbing contractor is your one-stop pit for all plumbing difficulties you may face in your home or office.

Our Services

Our company discharges a remarkably extensive service brochure. Kudos to our above-mentioned workforce in that regard. The following is a list of services we offer: clogged sink service, HVAC service, water heater installation, heating service, boiler service, and a host of repair services. These include pipe repair, shower repair, baseboard repair, gas furnace repair, and tap repair.